Author: 林兴陆 | Created: 2019-03-21
转发一份20多年前瀛海威客户端软件的 READ.ME(读我文件),通常是软件说明书本身或者说明文件的一部分,也许你能从中学到什么或者得到哪些启发?
The humankind has never been so strong as today, has never contracted the world in such rapid speed. The technology of the information transmission is just one of the main method for the human beings to develop themselves. There will be no doubt that the establishment of IHW will be blended into the glory of human beings.
Nobody can see the future of IHW exactly, because the IHW people are engaged in the career of the future. IHW is a network, but not only a network, but also an electronic space which opposite the reality. Under our efforts, it is very possible to lead the Chinese people to wage a revolution in the way of living and working.
The integration between science and culture, the joint in western literature and eastern philosophy, the management system of the criss-cross structure, the management idea that based on the humanity, all of these, made IHW full of energy. Facing the public, IHW people regarded the entirely new customer service in information industry as the aim, the market as a guide, and they promise that so long as it is the need for developed the living standard of people, they will try to make it into reality.
Facing the information era, IHW people shouldered the flag of national information industry consciously. Recognizing to build a popularized information highway as our great and glorious task, We will use all our enthusiasm and wisdom to prove: the information industry----the last opportunity for human beings in 20th century, is left for China.
The fundamental superiority of IHW is our correct self-allocation in China information industry. Which made us in the leading status of human ideological forms, the enterprise's management idea and even on the comprehension to China information industry.
The first main respect of IHW's culture was embodied in the basis of grasping and understanding about Chinese information industry. It's highest gial is to create our own nation brands in China info-industry. The development of economy and a nation's prosperity or declining is an eternal theme in economics, and now, we are enriching and improving by our practice---basing ourselves on collective-operated state enterprise, devoting to creating a nation brand with a robust industry in return for country is IHW's highest motto.
The second is cooperation: not only in industries, but also between persons. Based on the rapid growth of international information industry and the beginning of domestic info-industry, IHW people first called for info-industry joint action, earnestly practice what one advocates, they devoted on the China's industrial integration.
The third is the sensibility about our market on the basis of exhaustive service for customers. We directly against their needs, develop relative technology and readjust our market tactics timely.
Moreover, we know that our job is to create a culture of Chinese information industry. We believe that the decipline , the order and the control that we gained from our practice will provide a more extended space for the whole China information industry in the future.
There will be a day that IHW people will proud of IHW. However the arrival if that day needs all IHW people's efforts!
The China InfoHighway Communications Corp. grew out of the Beijing Information Highway Technology Corp. which found in May 1995 and invested by Beijing Win Electronic Technology Corp. and Beijing Tianshu Consulting Corp. The mainly work of it is providing public commercial information service. Since September 1995--the "IHW Space" began to use--till August 1996, we have had more than 6,000 users, and become more and more well known in Beijing.
In September 1996, because of the participation of the 3 new partner, China Teleconstruction Corp., China Xing-Fa Group, Beijing Trust and Invest Corp. Of Construction Bank of China, Beijing Information Highway Technology change into the China InfoHighway Communications Corp. With the 80 million yuan enrolled capital, eight local accesses and service nodes will start operation on December 26, 1996. They are Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Fuzhou, Xi'an Harbin and Shenyang. At the same time a nationwide IHW Space backbone will be established.
Adopt the most advanced software and hardware technology and national public communication infrastructure and VSAT network to serve the main product----"InfoHighway Space". Moreover can construct the networks and integrated systems for customers.
The China InfoHighway Communications Corp. has co-operated with Microsoft in a strategic alliance and has adopted Normandy to become the second user of Normandy in the world.
With the use of Normandy, IHW Space will be more stronger both in providing network services and in its integritg because of a sophiscated accounting system.
InfoHighway Space services adopt the most advanced equipment in the world, including HP PC servers and CISCO network equipment.
InfoHighway Space is connected with leased DDN lines and a corporate-owned VSAT communication network as a broadcasting and backup route. Users can log into the InfoHighway Space through PSTN and other computer networks.
Because of the participation of the 3 new partner, China Teleconstruction Corp., China Xing-Fa Group, Beijing Trust and Invest Corp. Of Construction Bank of China, Beijing Information Highway Technology change into the China InfoHighway Communications Corp. Our professional work is provide computer information services throughout the country.
IHW Space is one of the whole Chinese network system in China. Since the first use in last September, we first proposed to establish a Chinese characteristic popular information highway. Only after a short year, people have logged on to the IHW Space for 2 million and 300 thousand times to attempt a entirely new way of communication and living.
In only one year, IHW Space has laid the ground work of the cultivation of China information services and set-up of the backgrouned market.
I believe that the establishment of China Infohighway Communications Corp. goes with the tide of world digital information revolution. On the other hand, this tide also provides us an opportunity to build a new excellent infohighway technology enterprise. The career that we take can at least affect China's future in 100 years. Our under 26 average age young group, will grasp this historical opportunity to contribute their youthful vigor and wisdom to the new information industry of the nation!
哥林多后书 13:14 “愿主耶稣基督的恩惠、上帝的慈爱、圣灵的感动常与你们众人同在!”
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