[15:32] Jesus called his disciples to him and said, “I feel sorry for these people, because they have been with me for three days and now have nothing to eat. I don't want to send them away without feeding them, for they might faint on their way home.”
[15:33] The disciples asked him, “Where will we find enough food in this desert to feed this crowd?”
[15:34] “How much bread do you have?” Jesus asked. “Seven loaves,” they answered, “and a few small fish.”
[15:35] So Jesus ordered the crowd to sit down on the ground.
[15:36] Then he took the seven loaves and the fish, gave thanks to God, broke them, and gave them to the disciples; and the disciples gave them to the people.
[15:37] They all ate and had enough. Then the disciples took up seven baskets full of pieces left over.
[15:38] The number of men who ate was four thousand, not counting the women and children.
[15:39] Then Jesus sent the people away, got into a boat, and went to the territory of Magadan.