Use Your Bodies for God's Glory (1CO 6:12-20)

[6:12] Someone will say, “I am allowed to do anything.” Yes; but not everything is good for you. I could say that I am allowed to do anything, but I am not going to let anything make me its slave.

[6:13] Someone else will say, “Food is for the stomach, and the stomach is for food.” Yes; but God will put an end to both. The body is not to be used for sexual immorality, but to serve the Lord; and the Lord provides for the body.

[6:14] God raised the Lord from death, and he will also raise us by his power.

[6:15] You know that your bodies are parts of the body of Christ. Shall I take a part of Christ's body and make it part of the body of a prostitute? Impossible!

[6:16] Or perhaps you don't know that the man who joins his body to a prostitute becomes physically one with her? The scripture says quite plainly, “The two will become one body.”

[6:17] But he who joins himself to the Lord becomes spiritually one with him.

[6:18] Avoid immorality. Any other sin a man commits does not affect his body; but the man who is guilty of sexual immorality sins against his own body.

[6:19] Don't you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and who was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourselves but to God;

[6:20] he bought you for a price. So use your bodies for God's glory.

Questions about Marriage (1CO 7:1-16)

[7:1] Now, to deal with the matters you wrote about. A man does well not to marry.

[7:2] But because there is so much immorality, every man should have his own wife, and every woman should have her own husband.

[7:3] A man should fulfill his duty as a husband, and a woman should fulfill her duty as a wife, and each should satisfy the other's needs.

[7:4] A wife is not the master of her own body, but her husband is; in the same way a husband is not the master of his own body, but his wife is.

[7:5] Do not deny yourselves to each other, unless you first agree to do so for a while in order to spend your time in prayer; but then resume normal marital relations. In this way you will be kept from giving in to Satan's temptation because of your lack of self-control.

[7:6] I tell you this not as an order, but simply as a permission.

[7:7] Actually I would prefer that all of you were as I am; but each one has a special gift from God, one person this gift, another one that gift.

[7:8] Now, to the unmarried and to the widows I say that it would be better for you to continue to live alone as I do.

[7:9] But if you cannot restrain your desires, go ahead and marry—it is better to marry than to burn with passion.

[7:10] For married people I have a command which is not my own but the Lord's: a wife must not leave her husband;

[7:11] but if she does, she must remain single or else be reconciled to her husband; and a husband must not divorce his wife.

[7:12] To the others I say (I, myself, not the Lord): if a Christian man has a wife who is an unbeliever and she agrees to go on living with him, he must not divorce her.

[7:13] And if a Christian woman is married to a man who is an unbeliever and he agrees to go on living with her, she must not divorce him.

[7:14] For the unbelieving husband is made acceptable to God by being united to his wife, and the unbelieving wife is made acceptable to God by being united to her Christian husband. If this were not so, their children would be like pagan children; but as it is, they are acceptable to God.

[7:15] However, if the one who is not a believer wishes to leave the Christian partner, let it be so. In such cases the Christian partner, whether husband or wife, is free to act. God has called you to live in peace.

[7:16] How can you be sure, Christian wife, that you will not save your husband? Or how can you be sure, Christian husband, that you will not save your wife?

Live As God Called You (1CO 7:17-24)

[7:17] Each of you should go on living according to the Lord's gift to you, and as you were when God called you. This is the rule I teach in all the churches.

[7:18] If a circumcised man has accepted God's call, he should not try to remove the marks of circumcision; if an uncircumcised man has accepted God's call, he should not get circumcised.

[7:19] For whether or not a man is circumcised means nothing; what matters is to obey God's commandments.

[7:20] Each of you should remain as you were when you accepted God's call.

[7:21] Were you a slave when God called you? Well, never mind; but if you have a chance to become free, use it.

[7:22] For a slave who has been called by the Lord is the Lord's free person; in the same way a free person who has been called by Christ is his slave.

[7:23] God bought you for a price; so do not become slaves of people.

[7:24] My friends, each of you should remain in fellowship with God in the same condition that you were when you were called.

Questions about the Unmarried and the Widows (1CO 7:25-40)

[7:25] Now, concerning what you wrote about unmarried people: I do not have a command from the Lord, but I give my opinion as one who by the Lord's mercy is worthy of trust.

[7:26] Considering the present distress, I think it is better for a man to stay as he is.

[7:27] Do you have a wife? Then don't try to get rid of her. Are you unmarried? Then don't look for a wife.

[7:28] But if you do marry, you haven't committed a sin; and if an unmarried woman marries, she hasn't committed a sin. But I would rather spare you the everyday troubles that married people will have.

[7:29] What I mean, my friends, is this: there is not much time left, and from now on married people should live as though they were not married;

[7:30] those who weep, as though they were not sad; those who laugh, as though they were not happy; those who buy, as though they did not own what they bought;

[7:31] those who deal in material goods, as though they were not fully occupied with them. For this world, as it is now, will not last much longer.

[7:32] I would like you to be free from worry. An unmarried man concerns himself with the Lord's work, because he is trying to please the Lord.

[7:33] But a married man concerns himself with worldly matters, because he wants to please his wife;

[7:34] and so he is pulled in two directions. An unmarried woman or a virgin concerns herself with the Lord's work, because she wants to be dedicated both in body and spirit; but a married woman concerns herself with worldly matters, because she wants to please her husband.

[7:35] I am saying this because I want to help you. I am not trying to put restrictions on you. Instead, I want you to do what is right and proper, and to give yourselves completely to the Lord's service without any reservation.

[7:36] In the case of an engaged couple who have decided not to marry: if the man feels that he is not acting properly toward the young woman and if his passions are too strong and he feels that they ought to marry, then they should get married, as he wants to. There is no sin in this.

[7:37] But if a man, without being forced to do so, has firmly made up his mind not to marry, and if he has his will under complete control and has already decided in his own mind what to do—then he does well not to marry the young woman.

[7:38] So the man who marries does well, but the one who doesn't marry does even better.

[7:39] A married woman is not free as long as her husband lives; but if her husband dies, then she is free to be married to any man she wishes, but only if he is a Christian.

[7:40] She will be happier, however, if she stays as she is. That is my opinion, and I think that I too have God's Spirit.

The Question about Food Offered to Idols (1CO 8:1-13)

[8:1] Now, concerning what you wrote about food offered to idols. It is true, of course, that “all of us have knowledge,” as they say. Such knowledge, however, puffs a person up with pride; but love builds up.

[8:2] Those who think they know something really don't know as they ought to know.

[8:3] But the person who loves God is known by him.

[8:4] So then, about eating the food offered to idols: we know that an idol stands for something that does not really exist; we know that there is only the one God.

[8:5] Even if there are so-called “gods,” whether in heaven or on earth, and even though there are many of these “gods” and “lords,”

[8:6] yet there is for us only one God, the Father, who is the Creator of all things and for whom we live; and there is only one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things were created and through whom we live.

[8:7] But not everyone knows this truth. Some people have been so used to idols that to this day when they eat such food they still think of it as food that belongs to an idol; their conscience is weak, and they feel they are defiled by the food.

[8:8] Food, however, will not improve our relation with God; we shall not lose anything if we do not eat, nor shall we gain anything if we do eat.

[8:9] Be careful, however, not to let your freedom of action make those who are weak in the faith fall into sin.

[8:10] Suppose a person whose conscience is weak in this matter sees you, who have so-called “knowledge,” eating in the temple of an idol; will not this encourage him to eat food offered to idols?

[8:11] And so this weak person, your brother for whom Christ died, will perish because of your “knowledge”!

[8:12] And in this way you will be sinning against Christ by sinning against other Christians and wounding their weak conscience.

[8:13] So then, if food makes a believer sin, I will never eat meat again, so as not to make a believer fall into sin.

Rights and Duties of an Apostle (1CO 9:1-27)

[9:1] Am I not a free man? Am I not an apostle? Haven't I seen Jesus our Lord? And aren't you the result of my work for the Lord?

[9:2] Even if others do not accept me as an apostle, surely you do! Because of your life in union with the Lord you yourselves are proof of the fact that I am an apostle.

[9:3] When people criticize me, this is how I defend myself:

[9:4] Don't I have the right to be given food and drink for my work?

[9:5] Don't I have the right to follow the example of the other apostles and the Lord's brothers and Peter, by taking a Christian wife with me on my trips?

[9:6] Or are Barnabas and I the only ones who have to work for our living?

[9:7] What soldiers ever have to pay their own expenses in the army? What farmers do not eat the grapes from their own vineyard? What shepherds do not use the milk from their own sheep?

[9:8] I don't have to limit myself to these everyday examples, because the Law says the same thing.

[9:9] We read in the Law of Moses, “Do not muzzle an ox when you are using it to thresh grain.” Now, is God concerned about oxen?

[9:10] Didn't he really mean us when he said that? Of course that was written for us. Anyone who plows and anyone who reaps should do their work in the hope of getting a share of the crop.

[9:11] We have sown spiritual seed among you. Is it too much if we reap material benefits from you?

[9:12] If others have the right to expect this from you, don't we have an even greater right? But we haven't made use of this right. Instead, we have endured everything in order not to put any obstacle in the way of the Good News about Christ.

[9:13] Surely you know that the men who work in the Temple get their food from the Temple and that those who offer the sacrifices on the altar get a share of the sacrifices.

[9:14] In the same way, the Lord has ordered that those who preach the gospel should get their living from it.

[9:15] But I haven't made use of any of these rights, nor am I writing this now in order to claim such rights for myself. I would rather die first! Nobody is going to turn my rightful boast into empty words!

[9:16] I have no right to boast just because I preach the gospel. After all, I am under orders to do so. And how terrible it would be for me if I did not preach the gospel!

[9:17] If I did my work as a matter of free choice, then I could expect to be paid; but I do it as a matter of duty, because God has entrusted me with this task.

[9:18] What pay do I get, then? It is the privilege of preaching the Good News without charging for it, without claiming my rights in my work for the gospel.

[9:19] I am a free man, nobody's slave; but I make myself everybody's slave in order to win as many people as possible.

[9:20] While working with the Jews, I live like a Jew in order to win them; and even though I myself am not subject to the Law of Moses, I live as though I were when working with those who are, in order to win them.

[9:21] In the same way, when working with Gentiles, I live like a Gentile, outside the Jewish Law, in order to win Gentiles. This does not mean that I don't obey God's law; I am really under Christ's law.

[9:22] Among the weak in faith I become weak like one of them, in order to win them. So I become all things to all people, that I may save some of them by whatever means are possible.

[9:23] All this I do for the gospel's sake, in order to share in its blessings.

[9:24] Surely you know that many runners take part in a race, but only one of them wins the prize. Run, then, in such a way as to win the prize.

[9:25] Every athlete in training submits to strict discipline, in order to be crowned with a wreath that will not last; but we do it for one that will last forever.

[9:26] That is why I run straight for the finish line; that is why I am like a boxer who does not waste his punches.

[9:27] I harden my body with blows and bring it under complete control, to keep myself from being disqualified after having called others to the contest.

Warnings against Idols (1CO 10:1-11:1)

[10:1] I want you to remember, my friends, what happened to our ancestors who followed Moses. They were all under the protection of the cloud, and all passed safely through the Red Sea.

[10:2] In the cloud and in the sea they were all baptized as followers of Moses.

[10:3] All ate the same spiritual bread

[10:4] and drank the same spiritual drink. They drank from the spiritual rock that went with them; and that rock was Christ himself.

[10:5] But even then God was not pleased with most of them, and so their dead bodies were scattered over the desert.

[10:6] Now, all of this is an example for us, to warn us not to desire evil things, as they did,

[10:7] nor to worship idols, as some of them did. As the scripture says, “The people sat down to a feast which turned into an orgy of drinking and sex.”

[10:8] We must not be guilty of sexual immorality, as some of them were—and in one day twenty-three thousand of them fell dead.

[10:9] We must not put the Lord to the test, as some of them did—and they were killed by snakes.

[10:10] We must not complain, as some of them did—and they were destroyed by the Angel of Death.

[10:11] All these things happened to them as examples for others, and they were written down as a warning for us. For we live at a time when the end is about to come.

[10:12] If you think you are standing firm you had better be careful that you do not fall.

[10:13] Every test that you have experienced is the kind that normally comes to people. But God keeps his promise, and he will not allow you to be tested beyond your power to remain firm; at the time you are put to the test, he will give you the strength to endure it, and so provide you with a way out.

[10:14] So then, my dear friends, keep away from the worship of idols.

[10:15] I speak to you as sensible people; judge for yourselves what I say.

[10:16] The cup we use in the Lord's Supper and for which we give thanks to God: when we drink from it, we are sharing in the blood of Christ. And the bread we break: when we eat it, we are sharing in the body of Christ.

[10:17] Because there is the one loaf of bread, all of us, though many, are one body, for we all share the same loaf.

[10:18] Consider the people of Israel; those who eat what is offered in sacrifice share in the altar's service to God.

[10:19] Do I imply, then, that an idol or the food offered to it really amounts to anything?

[10:20] No! What I am saying is that what is sacrificed on pagan altars is offered to demons, not to God. And I do not want you to be partners with demons.

[10:21] You cannot drink from the Lord's cup and also from the cup of demons; you cannot eat at the Lord's table and also at the table of demons.

[10:22] Or do we want to make the Lord jealous? Do we think that we are stronger than he?

[10:23] “We are allowed to do anything,” so they say. That is true, but not everything is good. “We are allowed to do anything”—but not everything is helpful.

[10:24] None of you should be looking out for your own interests, but for the interests of others.

[10:25] You are free to eat anything sold in the meat market, without asking any questions because of your conscience.

[10:26] For, as the scripture says, “The earth and everything in it belong to the Lord.”

[10:27] If an unbeliever invites you to a meal and you decide to go, eat what is set before you, without asking any questions because of your conscience.

[10:28] But if someone tells you, “This food was offered to idols,” then do not eat that food, for the sake of the one who told you and for conscience' sake—

[10:29] that is, not your own conscience, but the other person's conscience. “Well, then,” someone asks, “why should my freedom to act be limited by another person's conscience?

[10:30] If I thank God for my food, why should anyone criticize me about food for which I give thanks?”

[10:31] Well, whatever you do, whether you eat or drink, do it all for God's glory.

[10:32] Live in such a way as to cause no trouble either to Jews or Gentiles or to the church of God.

[10:33] Just do as I do; I try to please everyone in all that I do, not thinking of my own good, but of the good of all, so that they might be saved.

[11:1] Imitate me, then, just as I imitate Christ.

Covering the Head in Worship (1CO 11:2-16)

[11:2] I praise you because you always remember me and follow the teachings that I have handed on to you.

[11:3] But I want you to understand that Christ is supreme over every man, the husband is supreme over his wife, and God is supreme over Christ.

[11:4] So a man who prays or proclaims God's message in public worship with his head covered disgraces Christ.

[11:5] And any woman who prays or proclaims God's message in public worship with nothing on her head disgraces her husband; there is no difference between her and a woman whose head has been shaved.

[11:6] If the woman does not cover her head, she might as well cut her hair. And since it is a shameful thing for a woman to shave her head or cut her hair, she should cover her head.

[11:7] A man has no need to cover his head, because he reflects the image and glory of God. But woman reflects the glory of man;

[11:8] for man was not created from woman, but woman from man.

[11:9] Nor was man created for woman's sake, but woman was created for man's sake.

[11:10] On account of the angels, then, a woman should have a covering over her head to show that she is under her husband's authority.

[11:11] In our life in the Lord, however, woman is not independent of man, nor is man independent of woman.

[11:12] For as woman was made from man, in the same way man is born of woman; and it is God who brings everything into existence.

[11:13] Judge for yourselves whether it is proper for a woman to pray to God in public worship with nothing on her head.

[11:14] Why, nature itself teaches you that long hair on a man is a disgrace,

[11:15] but on a woman it is a thing of beauty. Her long hair has been given her to serve as a covering.

[11:16] But if anyone wants to argue about it, all I have to say is that neither we nor the churches of God have any other custom in worship.

The Lord's Supper (1CO 11:17-34)

[11:17] In the following instructions, however, I do not praise you, because your meetings for worship actually do more harm than good.

[11:18] In the first place, I have been told that there are opposing groups in your meetings; and this I believe is partly true. (

[11:19] No doubt there must be divisions among you so that the ones who are in the right may be clearly seen.)

[11:20] When you meet together as a group, it is not the Lord's Supper that you eat.

[11:21] For as you eat, you each go ahead with your own meal, so that some are hungry while others get drunk.

[11:22] Don't you have your own homes in which to eat and drink? Or would you rather despise the church of God and put to shame the people who are in need? What do you expect me to say to you about this? Shall I praise you? Of course I don't!

[11:23] For I received from the Lord the teaching that I passed on to you: that the Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took a piece of bread,

[11:24] gave thanks to God, broke it, and said, “This is my body, which is for you. Do this in memory of me.”

[11:25] In the same way, after the supper he took the cup and said, “This cup is God's new covenant, sealed with my blood. Whenever you drink it, do so in memory of me.”

[11:26] This means that every time you eat this bread and drink from this cup you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes.

[11:27] It follows that if one of you eats the Lord's bread or drinks from his cup in a way that dishonors him, you are guilty of sin against the Lord's body and blood.

[11:28] So then, you should each examine yourself first, and then eat the bread and drink from the cup.

[11:29] For if you do not recognize the meaning of the Lord's body when you eat the bread and drink from the cup, you bring judgment on yourself as you eat and drink.

[11:30] That is why many of you are sick and weak, and several have died.

[11:31] If we would examine ourselves first, we would not come under God's judgment.

[11:32] But we are judged and punished by the Lord, so that we shall not be condemned together with the world.

[11:33] So then, my friends, when you gather together to eat the Lord's Supper, wait for one another.

[11:34] And if any of you are hungry, you should eat at home, so that you will not come under God's judgment as you meet together. As for the other matters, I will settle them when I come.

Gifts from the Holy Spirit (1CO 12:1-11)

[12:1] Now, concerning what you wrote about the gifts from the Holy Spirit. I want you to know the truth about them, my friends.

[12:2] You know that while you were still heathen, you were led astray in many ways to the worship of lifeless idols.

[12:3] I want you to know that no one who is led by God's Spirit can say “A curse on Jesus!” and no one can confess “Jesus is Lord,” without being guided by the Holy Spirit.

[12:4] There are different kinds of spiritual gifts, but the same Spirit gives them.

[12:5] There are different ways of serving, but the same Lord is served.

[12:6] There are different abilities to perform service, but the same God gives ability to all for their particular service.

[12:7] The Spirit's presence is shown in some way in each person for the good of all.

[12:8] The Spirit gives one person a message full of wisdom, while to another person the same Spirit gives a message full of knowledge.

[12:9] One and the same Spirit gives faith to one person, while to another person he gives the power to heal.

[12:10] The Spirit gives one person the power to work miracles; to another, the gift of speaking God's message; and to yet another, the ability to tell the difference between gifts that come from the Spirit and those that do not. To one person he gives the ability to speak in strange tongues, and to another he gives the ability to explain what is said.

[12:11] But it is one and the same Spirit who does all this; as he wishes, he gives a different gift to each person.