Live As God Called You (1CO 7:17-24)

[7:17] Each of you should go on living according to the Lord's gift to you, and as you were when God called you. This is the rule I teach in all the churches.

[7:18] If a circumcised man has accepted God's call, he should not try to remove the marks of circumcision; if an uncircumcised man has accepted God's call, he should not get circumcised.

[7:19] For whether or not a man is circumcised means nothing; what matters is to obey God's commandments.

[7:20] Each of you should remain as you were when you accepted God's call.

[7:21] Were you a slave when God called you? Well, never mind; but if you have a chance to become free, use it.

[7:22] For a slave who has been called by the Lord is the Lord's free person; in the same way a free person who has been called by Christ is his slave.

[7:23] God bought you for a price; so do not become slaves of people.

[7:24] My friends, each of you should remain in fellowship with God in the same condition that you were when you were called.