Wisdom Calls (PRO 1:20-33)

[1:20] Listen! Wisdom is calling out in the streets and marketplaces,

[1:21] calling loudly at the city gates and wherever people come together:

[1:22] “Foolish people! How long do you want to be foolish? How long will you enjoy making fun of knowledge? Will you never learn?

[1:23] Listen when I reprimand you; I will give you good advice and share my knowledge with you.

[1:24] I have been calling you, inviting you to come, but you would not listen. You paid no attention to me.

[1:25] You have ignored all my advice and have not been willing to let me correct you.

[1:26] So when you get into trouble, I will laugh at you. I will make fun of you when terror strikes—

[1:27] when it comes on you like a storm, bringing fierce winds of trouble, and you are in pain and misery.

[1:28] Then you will call for wisdom, but I will not answer. You may look for me everywhere, but you will not find me.

[1:29] You have never had any use for knowledge and have always refused to obey the Lord.

[1:30] You have never wanted my advice or paid any attention when I corrected you.

[1:31] So then, you will get what you deserve, and your own actions will make you sick.

[1:32] Inexperienced people die because they reject wisdom. Stupid people are destroyed by their own lack of concern.

[1:33] But whoever listens to me will have security. He will be safe, with no reason to be afraid.”